Installing Libra

There are several ways to begin working with the API. Below, a step-by-step guide to different options are highlighted. If you're already familiar with python and PyPi, feel free to skip ahead and just do

pip install libra

Setting up your local enviroment

Work in an online preconfigured enviroment

We recommend using Google Collaboratory, as it supports intensive processing and configures an enviroment for you.

Understanding the API's structure

There's two structural principles that a user should understand about libra

Learning Resources

With a strong core team and mentorship opportunities, Libra offers many sockets to find success.

Join our slack group, where the founding developers are constantly asking questions about the library.

If you're an organization, fill out our form today and we'll hold either live or online instruction on how to use our tools.

Tutorial Notebook on Collaboratory

An example notebook for you to understand the process of working with libra

Join our Slack Channel

Ask your questions to core developers and get access to more information.

Get Started with a Step-by-Step Guide

Learn how to use libra with a descriptive guide for beginners.

Video Guide on Using Libra

Check out Ahmad Bazzi’s video guide about using the Libra API

Get in touch with us!